Briana Marie Photography. Powered by Blogger.

May 27, 2011

Emmett-Newborn Session

I have to say that these two make the most beautiful babies.  I was so excited to drive to Ogden and meet little Emmett and see his amazing mom.  Jesenia is one of my best friends and since we graduated HS, we have never lived in the same city (or state for that matter) in the last 10 years. (okay it is more than 10 but we will keep it there...) ;)   Now we are only a little over an hour away from each other and it has been fun to see her.  You know those kind of friends that you can go years without seeing each other, months without talking and yet you feel like you never missed a beat?  That is how it is for us and I love it.  Those are rare and few in between and I am grateful for such an amazing friend!

Emmett is beautiful and sweet.  He never wanted to sleep, unless he was in his moms' arms and snuggled in tight to her.  He was just barely two weeks and you can see he is a bright eyed and a very observant baby already.  I loved every minute of this session.  Can't wait to take their family photos in a few months so you can see her girls as well!  They are little heart throbs already!!  Thank you Jesenia for an amazing opportunity to feel this sweet baby's spirit.  Truly a gift from God!


Candace and Brian May 27, 2011 at 2:01 PM  

Absolutely gorgeous!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these. Every last one of them. Loved the mirror idea. So neat.


About Me

My photo
I have always had a passion for photography and catching that moment that will help you remember something forever. However; my real passion came when my son was born. It was a moment that words can't explain but a picture told the whole story. After that day I realized that I wanted to capture those moments for tell a story that one has to see to believe.
All images are owned by Briana Marie Photography
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