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July 6, 2011

SLC Fitness Challenge

Let me start out by saying how proud I am of those that have entered and for the difference they have made in themselves physically and mentally.  It was so fun throughout the course to get emails telling me how excited they were, that they just signed up to do a marathon for the first time, how they have been able to fit in a pair of pants that have been hanging in their closet for years, or when they were struggling that working out was their 'out'.  I loved reading it and I have totally enjoyed seeing the results!!  So, you are all winners in my eyes.

The contest is now live and the one with the most votes (aka 'likes' on FB) wins a FREE session with Briana Marie Photos, a FREE makeover with A Hair Makeover and 7 free personal training sessions with Steve Gewondjan.  The contest will end at midnight August 2nd.  So please help these two out and go and 'like' the one you think has transformed their body the most.  

I have added a few testimonials that I thought were pretty awesome.
"I'm just so grateful to you for doing the competition and giving me some motivation to get back on track with my fitness!!!  I've lost 20lbs and a bunch of inches, and now I'm only 10lbs from my goal!! I can't believe I'm so close!  I've been doing Weight Watchers for a full year now but I'd hit a plateau after losing the first 30lbs and this has really helped me so much to lose another 20.  Because of wanting to do well in the competition, I found an AMAZING book as a recommendation from my cousin Heather called "This is Why You're Fat" by Jackie Warner (I know funny title, but the book is awesome).  That book has helped me make some really dramatic changes to the way I eat, mostly with not eating much sugar at all, but there's a lot more to it than that, and I feel like they'll be lifelong changes that are going to change my life forever.  Plus I just feel so much stronger and healthier, so that's the best reward I could ask for.  I mean, I just ran 18.4 miles over a 24hr period in the Ragnar Relay, I'm running a half marathon at the end of this month, and a full marathon in September!  I can't believe all this stuff I'm doing!  It's so fun and exciting.  Thank you SOOO much!!!!  Really, I am so grateful to you for that." -Jessica N.

"For me, my journey was all about taking advantage of the time I had to go to the gym and workout. When I was there, I did my best to push myself beyond my previous limits. One thing that I found to be especially helpful was going with friends who pushed me to do one more rep or one more set when ordinarily the debate would be bouncing around on whether or not I wanted to. If I were to describe my journey in one phrase -- carpe diem. Seize the day and seize the moment!!"-KC M.

 "I wanted to thank you for challenge because it was a kick in the pants I needed. I don't handle stress very well, and the past few months (well years) have been very stressful, but since starting the challenge, the stress didn't seem to bother me as much. I embraced the stress and allowed it to work with me instead of against me (for example, I allowed it to fuel my workouts).  I also found myself challenging fears and concerns. I started running, something I didn't think I would ever do since I had knee surgery a few years ago and the doctor said I wouldn't be able to. I ran a little further every day and was able to work up to 10 miles in a day. Now it wasn't always the fastest running, but slow and steady wins the race. :) I also lost about 25 pounds! :o) I love the changes I am seeing and feeling and don't plan on stopping the challenge any time soon (and by that, I mean ever).
I must admit I wasn't always 100% perfect everyday, and at first I felt guilty when I slipped a little. But over the past few weeks I discovered the challenge wasn't about being 100% health nut guru, it was about finding 100 % balance. Balance between working hard, enjoying the hard word, and enjoying the results. So again, thank you for the challenge! :)"
-Wendi M.

Thanks you guys!  You are a huge inspiration to me!  Keep up the good work!!


Candace and Brian July 16, 2011 at 8:08 AM  

Wow! Those were really cool and inspiring. Makes me want to get off my butt and do something too. :)


About Me

My photo
I have always had a passion for photography and catching that moment that will help you remember something forever. However; my real passion came when my son was born. It was a moment that words can't explain but a picture told the whole story. After that day I realized that I wanted to capture those moments for tell a story that one has to see to believe.
All images are owned by Briana Marie Photography
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