Allow yourself to shine!
This morning I woke up with so much gratitude in my heart and couldn't help but want to express it. When I first decided I wanted to do photography, I knew nothing about ANYTHING regarding photography. Sometimes I feel like I am still Okay, not really but there is always so much more to learn and grasp that is amazes and overwhelms me at the same time. It is truly a challenge that I am loving. Yes, I always was one that carried a camera around and took a million shots and loved the beauty of 'capturing a moment' but there was something in me that wanted more, that wanted to share what I saw...that wanted to express what my heart felt.
Interesting enough, I am one that keeps letters, notes, suggestions, and I write them down. I came across something the other day that was told to me years ago. It said, "You have talents that you don't even know exist yet. Find those and challenge them..." I have been thinking about that a lot the last few days, and I am so excited to continue to increase this talent and love for photography. I have been the 'career woman' as a successful beautician in a high-end salons and also becoming a success Real Estate agent. But as much as I loved both of those, I ached for more. I wanted something that was going to allow me to be me, that was going to get me out of my comfort zone in a way that was fun and exciting. I am to a point now that I don't sleep because I am so excited with ideas or shoots I just did or am going to do...I drive around and see the beauty in is amazing how I am much more open and amazed by the smallest things around me that make such a huge impact.
So, I woke up this morning and realized how many good people are in my life and I am so extremely grateful. I know nothing about technology. Yes, it is true. I can check my email and text and that is about the extent of it all...okay I know how to get on FB and blog as well. But, now, that is seriously all!! I have contacted complete strangers asking how to do things, who are NOW life long friends and mentors, friends and family have supported me, encouraged me and helped me out. There are those days that I sit and wonder, am I good enough? Where do I begin?...I have always had someone to pick me back up, give me words of wisdom, encouragement and push me along and for that I am extremely grateful. I have come across the ones that have tried to tell you that you aren't good enough, to give up, to walk away...but I have realized that those people are not happy with their life and they don't want you to succeed. The ones that are always there for you, and making you realize how amazing you are, those are the ones I want in my life and I am grateful to have so many. It also made me realize that I want to be that same person for others.
I heard a photography that I really admire say, 'Dreams don't go on sale!" JD And he is right, they don't. There is never a good time, enough money to do what you want, or enough confidence to start....the secret is to just do it. Push away your fears, push away your doubts, take a risk and jump in!! You will be so happy that you did. I heard a quote that I continue to think about...
"There is a difference between interest & commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when its convenient. When you're committed to something,
you accept NO excuses; only results." Unknown
So I wanted to say thank you. Thank you to those who believed in me and continue to believe in me. Thank you to those who encourage me and are helping me making my dreams come true. I couldn't do it without you!!
My wish for you is that you will live your dream in return, that you will take that risk that will bring you more joy than you ever thought possible. Everyone of us is amazing and has our own unique talents, do not forget that! You have a story to tell, so tell it!
"Sometimes we risk our dreams for safety and comfort, but I was ready to risk safety and comfort for my dreams." Jasmine Star
Allow yourself to shine.....
Love Jasmine Star. She's so raw. It's been great watching your journey Brianna. Thanks for the honesty and enthusiasm--it is more inspiring than you know!
What a great post. I think you are amazing and I'm glad you are finding so much joy in this. Can't wait to see you this weekend.
P.S. Your cute kid idea is great. But I don't do facebook so I don't know how I would do it.
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