Briana Marie Photography. Powered by Blogger.

February 10, 2011

Valentine Pictures

My love is to photograph outside.  However; when it is -12 outside in Vernal no one really likes to get their picture taken in the cold.  Plus, I am the biggest baby since moving back from sunny AZ that I get cold pretty easy, and prefer to stay inside during the negative degree weather.  So, my sister and I were bored one day and decided that we would take some 'Valentine' pictures for our parents.  I love what natural light from a window, some cute kids and a few fun props to keep them occupied can do.  Once K man realized there were chocolates in that box, that is all he wrote....he was in heaven ;) 



About Me

My photo
I have always had a passion for photography and catching that moment that will help you remember something forever. However; my real passion came when my son was born. It was a moment that words can't explain but a picture told the whole story. After that day I realized that I wanted to capture those moments for tell a story that one has to see to believe.
All images are owned by Briana Marie Photography
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