Briana Marie Photography. Powered by Blogger.

October 15, 2010

Landscape-Bear Lake

Sometimes in my life it seems that the storms will never end.....but then I am quickly reminded that through each one of our 'storms', the sun always comes out and gives me new light, perspective and hope.  I am grateful for both.  With both the storms and the 'rays of sunshine' we learn to appreciate what both are accomplishing.  It makes us more beautiful through our trials and we learn to have faith and hope that the sun will come out.  

" In our lives there is bound to come some pain, surely as there are storms and falling rain; just believe that the one who holds the storms will bring the sun."



About Me

My photo
I have always had a passion for photography and catching that moment that will help you remember something forever. However; my real passion came when my son was born. It was a moment that words can't explain but a picture told the whole story. After that day I realized that I wanted to capture those moments for tell a story that one has to see to believe.
All images are owned by Briana Marie Photography
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